Sunday 22 May 2011

When Money Gets in the Way

When times are tight many marriages come under strain.

Money worries are a top cause of marital stress; they can result in both partners working long hours, experiencing excessive stress, having to cut back on their lifestyle and so on.

Improve your Finances and your Marriage

A shortfall or cash or even the pressure of debt can put added pressure on a marriage. However there is a lot of support available for debt recovery and the if couples combine this type of practical help with marriage guidance tools, there is no reason they shouldn’t be able to turn things around.

What Went Wrong?

What’s important is to focus on the cause of the issue and that is:

-       - Getting to grips with your finances; taking steps to turn around your fortunes, pay off debts and manage on the joint income you receive.

-       - Understanding why the pressure of debt hit your marriage so severely; could each of you have behaved differently in order to help you pull together rather than apart?

Plan Ahead

The next step is to plan for the future, both financially and matrimonially.

Make sure that you learn from the position you have been in. What were the warning signs? How could you have spotted these? What have you learned about the experience that will help you to be more in control of both your finance and your marital harmony?

Marriages are very similar to finances – they both need investment to thrive. So take the time to learn how to invest in your relationship and rekindle your romance today.