Wednesday 23 March 2011

Top Tips for Saving Marriages

Is your relationship heading for divorce? Perhaps you have even discussed it already?
It’s never to late to put the effort into getting your love back. Try some of these top tips for saving marriages.
1.    Make every effort to create a calm, pleasant atmosphere at home. That means no disapproving looks, no cynical comments and lots of positive chat. Try to recreate the 'old atmosphere' in the house, the one you had before things took a downward turn.
2.    Get into the habit of looking for positive qualities in your partner rather than being critical. Remember all those physical traits and mannerisms that you found attractive and actively look for them. Try to trigger your softer side and recreate the feelings you had when you first met.
3.    Wear clothes you know your partner likes. Make every effort to display all those character traits that you know they find attractive. Try to remind them of what you once had.
4.    Plant the seed – gently discuss the fact that maybe divorce is not right for you both; that perhaps you have something worth saving. Don’t push the idea but make sure your spouse interested in the idea of rekindling your romance rather than breaking up.
5.    Once the vision of saving your marriage is shared you can start to build from that. You will need to do a lot of listening and a lot of talking and, most importantly, figure out a way to deal with the issues and then move on.
If your marriage is in trouble it’s never too late to turn things around. Even if just one of you wants to save your marriage you can learn tips and strategies that could renew your commitment to each other.