Sunday 22 May 2011

When Money Gets in the Way

When times are tight many marriages come under strain.

Money worries are a top cause of marital stress; they can result in both partners working long hours, experiencing excessive stress, having to cut back on their lifestyle and so on.

Improve your Finances and your Marriage

A shortfall or cash or even the pressure of debt can put added pressure on a marriage. However there is a lot of support available for debt recovery and the if couples combine this type of practical help with marriage guidance tools, there is no reason they shouldn’t be able to turn things around.

What Went Wrong?

What’s important is to focus on the cause of the issue and that is:

-       - Getting to grips with your finances; taking steps to turn around your fortunes, pay off debts and manage on the joint income you receive.

-       - Understanding why the pressure of debt hit your marriage so severely; could each of you have behaved differently in order to help you pull together rather than apart?

Plan Ahead

The next step is to plan for the future, both financially and matrimonially.

Make sure that you learn from the position you have been in. What were the warning signs? How could you have spotted these? What have you learned about the experience that will help you to be more in control of both your finance and your marital harmony?

Marriages are very similar to finances – they both need investment to thrive. So take the time to learn how to invest in your relationship and rekindle your romance today. 

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Top Tips for Saving Marriages

Is your relationship heading for divorce? Perhaps you have even discussed it already?
It’s never to late to put the effort into getting your love back. Try some of these top tips for saving marriages.
1.    Make every effort to create a calm, pleasant atmosphere at home. That means no disapproving looks, no cynical comments and lots of positive chat. Try to recreate the 'old atmosphere' in the house, the one you had before things took a downward turn.
2.    Get into the habit of looking for positive qualities in your partner rather than being critical. Remember all those physical traits and mannerisms that you found attractive and actively look for them. Try to trigger your softer side and recreate the feelings you had when you first met.
3.    Wear clothes you know your partner likes. Make every effort to display all those character traits that you know they find attractive. Try to remind them of what you once had.
4.    Plant the seed – gently discuss the fact that maybe divorce is not right for you both; that perhaps you have something worth saving. Don’t push the idea but make sure your spouse interested in the idea of rekindling your romance rather than breaking up.
5.    Once the vision of saving your marriage is shared you can start to build from that. You will need to do a lot of listening and a lot of talking and, most importantly, figure out a way to deal with the issues and then move on.
If your marriage is in trouble it’s never too late to turn things around. Even if just one of you wants to save your marriage you can learn tips and strategies that could renew your commitment to each other.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Don't Make Critical Mistakes When Trying to Save Your Marriage

When a marriage begins to fail sometimes one or both partners take action to put things right. The problem is; are they taking the RIGHT action?

Saving marriage is NOT about:

1. Giving in to everything your partner wants and demands.
2. Begging or pleading for more chances.
3. Forcing your partner to understand where they went wrong.

Turning a marriage around is actually about getting your OWN life back on track. Two happy individuals make a happy couple. Contented people make great partners and are more likely to be concerned about the happiness and growth of their partner and their marriage.

Many couples make critical mistakes when trying to get their love back. If your marriage is going through a bad patch, don't second guess what action to take, learn how to save your marriage the right way.

Saturday 1 January 2011

Drive Her Towards You not Away

Sometimes we fall into traps. Other times we get into negative patterns of behavior. Either way, when reflecting on our actions we are sometimes aware that we could have handled things better.

Don't Regress

One way that men sometimes get it wrong is that they use juvenile tactics when trying to win back their wife. They may, for example, try to make her jealous.

This is not the best course of action. For a start it sends out the signal that they have moved on. Whilst this may indeed make her jealouse, the inherent danger is that she might feel that she should do the same thing too.

Honesty's the Best Policy

The best advice is to stop playing games. Don't spend time thinking up tactics. Take time out to reflect on what is wrong with your marriage and how to put it right.

This blog will give you strategies and tips to help you move from an unhappiness to save your marriage.